Charles Miller and Dino Dai Zovi, two experienced hackers, claim they have found a vulnerability in the way Second Life protects a user's money inside the virtual world from being stolen. It has significance because that currency, ...
Dzenan Loncarevic I Izazov Band - Ne zovi ne pisi (2:22) 56. Dzenan Loncarevic I Izazov Band - Nedosatajes mi ti (2:53) 57. Dzenan Loncarevic I Izazov Band - Neudata, Malo Pjacaj Radio (6:12) 58. Dzenan Loncarevic I Izazov Band - Nevera ...
rich mogull arranged a phone call with tom ptacek and dino dai zovi so that dan could spill the beans and let them decide for themselves whether it was spin or substance. turns out there was substance. ...